Monday, May 24, 2010

Thoughts on Doctor Goh Keng Swee

After reading many articles on Doctor Goh K.S. , I've really gotta hand it to him. Without him, there won't be Singapore today, such as :
- The proper education system
- The Jurong Industrial Estate
- Underwater World Singapore
- Singapore Zoo
- Jurong Bird Park
- Singapore Symphony Orchestra
and many more.

He has raise the standard of living in Singapore tremendously and hence affecting positively on the quality of life of the Singaporeans. Without all those projects that he was responsible, Singapore's economy growth would not be as great compared to the previous years. I really look up to him as he's good in his academic since young which allows him to achieve the University of London scholarship and also his perseverance when he was almost fired from his job before he helped out Singapore in politics.

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